Custom Couture

I just finished up a custom order for this Boho chic pet carrier. It was a joy working with this client to pick style and fabric! The synergy of creation is why I do what I do.

In the coming months I will be adding a carrier sewing pattern for creating your own carrier that crafty DIY’ers can purchase to make their own. I love creating, but I also know that there are people out there who would prefer the pattern so they can custom design their own. Anyone up for doing a pattern test for me once I create the PDF and written instructions?

Enjoy the day! Spread some cheer and smiles along the way! ~Tillie

My, my, my…

Well, I am back! After what feels like ages, I am tapping at the keys and here to fill you in on what a busy – insert the word “unfocused” here – person I have been.

I have finally finished some carriers for my Etsy shop: Petz Couture. They are awesome and I hope they find a good home soon!

A good friend of mine is about to have her third child. A little girl this time and I’ve knitted and crocheted some darling dresses for her. I absolutely LOVE making baby things! They are soft and small and will be filled up with a sweet new baby. Yes, I love babies and, no, I don’t want to have another. I look back on my days with five small children and wonder now how the hell I did it?! I know for sure I can’t do it now. I like sleep way too much to go back to those sleep-deprived years.

BIG NEWS: We have decided to move somewhere warm. It’s been something my husband has talked about over the years, but I was resistant…until now. I think I’ve hit that age where I realize I’m not getting any younger and life is to be lived in the now. Putting things off is so easy to do, yet sometimes the day never comes when you actually fulfill those wishes and wants. So we are living in the “now” and planning our next adventure. Details to come…

But what I am most looking forward to at this very moment is a vacation with one of my daughters to Florida to see family and soak up some sun!!! Spring break on the beach is a dream come true. Can’t wait until it’s just a Tuesday on the beach, you know?! Soon it will be a daily event with my family. This makes me happy and excited for our future!

I will be posting some giveaways as we get closer to our move. I’m packing light and keeping it simple for this adventure. Plus, I like paying-it-forward when I can.

Wishing you a wonderful day and a peaceful night!



Making It Happen

I’ve been taking names and kicking butt-well, more like making lists and getting it done!

Look at this adorable dog, Rebel, modeling one of my newest carriers:IMG_1018.JPG

Cute, right?! Even cuter in person. So, three carriers are up for sale in my shop and I have some sewing to do today for a few more that will be more masculine styled for the men with big hearts and small dogs.

I’ve also been writing more articles and interviewing more interesting folks. This weekend I was at Stringtown Cellars and Lavender Farm talking with winemaker John Adams. He will be my next feature story for Ruralite Magazine. He served up a nice winetasting along with some yummy locally-made cheese. Needless to say, I got a great article in the works and some wine for our Thanksgiving meal. Hurrah!

Things at home are getting better…relationships are not always easy and do take work. But it’s worth it in the end. My issues ranged from a lack of communication to not feeling loved by my hubby and teenage daughter. It’s hard for me to speak up about my needs and to tell my truth, I always worry about how it will effect the other person while neglecting the fact that I matter too. So I pushed myself out of my comfort-zone and did just that. It was hard. It felt like everything was going to fall apart and it was all my fault, but you know what, it didn’t. It actually helped. I know that saying “it all works out in the end” is such a cliché`, but it is really true. Fear of the unknown can hold us back from changing what we know-even if what we know is what we don’t like.

So yeah, I’m making it happen. Hope you are too!
